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5 Ways to Position Yourself as a Public Speaker

Written by Jacob Salem

We all have the ability to become a public speaker, but we all have different things holding us back. What is holding you back from becoming a paid public speaker? First you need to determine what differentiates you from volunteer versus a paid speaker. Your value is not the only thing that is listed on your Facebook and Linkedin, but instead the importance of delivery, branding, and the audience’s experience.

Here are 5 steps to improve your public speaking skills.

Solve a Problem: When going on stage, it is important to have a compelling story, but it is crucial to bring value. Therefore, you should ask yourself, “what problem am I solving?” As you begin to create content for your speech, always think about what you are going to solve.

Create an Appealing Visual Presentation: Studies have shown that 65% of people are visual learners. Your visual aid is not to help you as the speaker, but instead to help the audience understand your vision and story. A website that can be helpful to create a visual aid is With this tool you will be able to create infographics along with appealing slides in order to keep the audience’s attention.

Tell a Story: Your audience will be more likely to become intrigued by your speech if you share it as if you’re telling them a story. A story will bring the audience in closer, allowing them to relate to you, making it more natural for them to follow your encouragement and advice.

Have a Clear Ending: Instead of having a slide at the end of your presentation that says “thank you”, create a strong, clear ending that motivates everyone in the audience to stand up and clap. Additionally, avoid giving a Q&A after your presentation, but rather, encourage individuals to meet you in the back of the room to ask their questions. This gives you the ability to create a deeper connection.

Create a Speaker Fee: Now that you have created strong content and a presentation, it is time to put a price on the value you are bringing to the audience. When a customer pays you, you are not just being paid for that hour of your time, you are being paid for the change you are able to make in others lives!

You have the ability to alter people’s lives for the positive. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable. EZMetrics can help you achieve your dreams!

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