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Now is the time to start monetizing your ability!

Written by Jacob Salem

Everyone has the ability to capitalize on their knowledge. You have a story to tell that can help impact an individual’s life!

I know that it’s human nature to suppress your confidence and tell yourself that you are not the current top expert in the field. While this may be true, if you do not keep pushing forward you will inevitably fall too far backward. As the saying goes, “the man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” -Vince Lombardi

The truth is, your business doesn’t remain stagnant. if we’re not moving forward, we’re falling back. So, we must continue to stretch ourselves, evolve, and continue to grow beyond what we are comfortable with.

To do this, you must make a decision that you want to step into your calling.  First, it is crucial that you define your knowledge and who it will benefit. Reflect on the core benefit of your ability. In other words, what problem are you helping people solve? For example, let’s say you need to get more eyes on your product or service so that you can scale your business.  EZMetrics helps people solve that problem by getting you more leads so that you can close more sales.

You will need to build a following. In order for you to be successful financially, you need to identify and attract your “tribe” who will eventually buy your product. You can create a community through social media. Your tribe will know, like, and trust you as long as you continue to provide them with valuable content. Eventually, they will be chomping at the bit WANTING to buy from you.  One way to stay in contact with your audience is to write a weekly blog. But beware… don’t get trapped in the content-creation cycle where that’s all you’re doing. Creating is great. But you must eventually ask for the sale.

Another great way to serve your community is by creating an online course to sell your expertise. This can be done by designing a series of materials that may include videos, PDFs, checklists, templates, and more!  

And lastly, consider hosting a live webinar which enables you to demonstrate your knowledge while engaging with your audience. During your live webinar, you will be able to provide advice to your audience while building trust. At the end, of course, you’re able to offer them the opportunity to work with you or purchase your product/service.

The bottom line is, no matter where you are now, you just need to begin. The world is a better place when people share their knowledge and expertise to help others learn.

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