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How to Start a Business

Written by Jacob Salem


You’re ready to start your own business. You’ve got a great idea, you know how to do it and you’ve lined up all the funding. But once you launch, what happens? What are some of the things that may come up when trying to make your business run smoothly? Here’s our list of ten things we’d recommend doing right at the beginning:

Don’t quit your day job at first.

Don’t quit your day job at first. While it might be tempting to leap headfirst into a new business, this route will only lead to frustration and failure. First, you need proof that people want what you’re selling; otherwise, customers won’t flock in by the masses. And second, without a plan for how to make money from your product or service (and the funds required), it’s unlikely that anyone will pay for anything.

Before quitting your day job, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have I proven that my idea is successful? Is there evidence of demand? Do people want what I’m selling? How can I get more information about whether my idea will succeed?
  • Do I have a plan for how to get customers and make money once I launch my business full-time? What are some strategies other small businesses use successfully when trying to grow their businesses through word-of-mouth marketing?

Make a business plan.

The first step to starting a business is to make a plan.

You must have a clear idea of what you want to do, how much money you will need to start the business, what your competitors are doing, and how you will make your business stand out from the crowd.

Hire employees carefully.

Hiring employees is a process that should not be taken lightly. Make sure you hire someone who fits in with your company culture; someone who can do the job; and someone whom you trust to work hard and meet deadlines.

With that said, there are additional things to consider when hiring employees:

  • Someone with good communication skills is essential to any business. If an employee cannot communicate their ideas clearly and effectively, they will likely cause problems within the business.
  • An employee’s work ethic plays an important role in how smoothly things run at your company. If a person does not have a strong work ethic, it may be best to reconsider whether they’re right for the role at hand or not

Make sure your network knows what you’re doing.

It’s important to make sure your network knows what you’re doing. Your network is made up of the people who know you and can help you reach your goals. It might include family, friends and professional contacts with whom it makes sense to share information about your plans. If they’re interested in what you’ve got going on and are willing to lend a hand in any way they can, they could become valuable allies as well as sources of inspiration throughout the process.

There are many things to do right at the beginning, so you’ll have no worries later on!

There are many things to do right at the beginning, so you’ll have no worries later on!

If you want to start a business, you need:


Starting a business can be daunting, but with this guide you should feel more confident about what’s ahead. From choosing a name to designing your website and writing an effective pitch deck, there is much to do at the beginning of any new venture. The important thing is not to get overwhelmed by all these tasks – just take it one step at a time and stay focused on the big picture!

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Many Blessings,

Profile ImageJacob Salem
Shepherd and Solution Seeker
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