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Human-Centric Marketing

Written by Jacob Salem

Human-Centric Marketing
Utilizing the Emotions & Personal Motives of your Perfect Prospect

So.. What Is Human-Centric Marketing (HCM)?

HCM is about focusing on the “human” in your marketing efforts to help gain genuine insights of what kind of approach works best with them.

The Human Centric Approach requires Brands to:

  • Focus on utility in its communications
    How does the brand work for the human and how do you explain that to your audience.
  • Define its purpose
    Why does your brand exists and what is your brands mission.. be clear and direct. 
  • Focus on simplicity and context when engaging in dialogue
    Don’t use fancy words 
  • Seek to engage audiences in active participation
    Reply to comments on social media, give more than just a generic comment, mention their name for a personal touch
  • Focus on human values
    Pain points aren’t the only aspects to focus on when implementing marketing strategies. The values which are considered basic inherent values in humans include:
  • Truth
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Be prepared to embrace irrationality as part of human nature

People will have their options, think of clever and respectful ways to embrace and engage to help the consumer see the situation in a different light

The most common way of identifying customers is through traditional profiling approaches like their demographic profile, but human-centric marketing Ignores this.

Instead, it focuses on a combination of three things:

OCEAN Profiling

Based on Michel Kosinski, Big Five model that assesses five personality traits: 

  • Openness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism

Big Data Analysis

or the digital traces of everything we do, both on and offline. Big data analytics is the often complex process of examining large and varied data sets — or big data — to uncover information including hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences that can help organizations make informed business decisions.

Ad Targeting
Which is personalized advertising aligned as accurately as possible to the personality of an individual consumer. Essentially, it becomes a “people search engine .. or a way to find similar customers based on definitive matches to correlated psychographic data.

The idea behind this is that demographic concepts should receive same treatment due to gender or race is ridiculous, considering people under the same demographic profile are still vastly different in terms of psychometry.

Marketing today should mean putting humans at the center of your brand’s story, surrounding them with experiences informed by data, and ultimately making them feel validated and appreciated.

Identify Growth Opportunities
Embracing human-centric marketing can offer insights into your customer base that traditional forms of marketing simply didn’t have access to.

The first step in crafting a human-centric marketing strategy is delving into the psyche of your clients to identify their needs, whether or not your company is meeting those needs, and how you can better address them. 

By creating your buyer personas and studying them, you can identify areas to focus your messaging and frame your products and services accordingly.

Increases Customer Satisfaction
This is the key to building the message or adjusting your operations. Correspond with the type of person that you are targeting, and  ensure that they will listen to your message or acknowledge your product and services. 

There’s no possibility of creating an effective human-centric marketing strategy without surveying your existing customers. But by doing so, you send the message to your existing customers that you are validating their cares and concerns and actively listening to them. 

This makes your customers feel more valued, leading them to purchase your products and services more often and generate more leads to your company by steering their friends and acquaintances in your direction. Make the experience personal to create these intimate bonds!

Elevates Your Brand Profile
Branding is a big deal right now in the marketing world because it’s a great way to distinguish your company from the competition. But branding is more than that – it’s also about how your target audience thinks about your products, services, and company culture. 

Using a human-centric marketing approach can elevate your branding if you focus on the customer experience at every stage of the buyer’s journey. 

Focus on delivering an experience that makes the customer feel valued and you’ll see the power of positive perception at work for your business.

In conclusion, Human Centric Marketing will help you truly connect with your audience and grow a quality relationship with a strong bond of trust and loyalty which in the end makes selling your product or service so much easier.
