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How to Create an Online Course that Sells Like Crazy: Your Step-by-Step Guide by Jacob Salem

Written by Jacob Salem

Creating and launching a successful online course has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people are taking advantage of the benefits of digital learning. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced entrepreneur, developing and marketing an online course that sells can be quite profitable.

There are several strategies and steps you need to take in order to create an online course that will attract buyers. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create an online course that sells like crazy!

Market Research

First, it is essential to conduct market research when creating your digital product. Take time to find out what potential students need to learn in order to successfully complete their goals. Research current trends, assess competitors’ products, and make sure there is a demand for what you want to offer.

Knowing your target audience and understanding the needs of potential students is essential before creating the content for your online course.

Platform or Software

Second, you’ll need to decide which platform or software you will use for delivering your online course content. There are many tools available for creating interactive courses such as videos, quizzes, audio files as well as worksheets or downloadable materials.

Consider factors such as user experience, scalability, cost and complexity when selecting the right platform for hosting your online course content.

Structure Your Course

Third, determine how you will structure the curriculum or lesson plan of your online course. The key here is ensuring the lessons progress logically from one topic or theme towards another in order for learners to gain an understanding of the subject matter in its entirety by the end of the program.

Think about how often students should access content and if supplemental material should be included along with audio/video elements and PDFs depending on what they’ll be most likely interested in consuming.

Provide Samples

Fourth, build anticipation among potential customers by providing them with samples of some topics they can expect from your online course prior to its launch date — this can include snippets from video lectures or handouts from certain modules — so that they can understand precisely what they’re paying for before fully committing their time and money into buying it.

Additionally, consider promoting free webinars or short classes related to your upcoming program’s main idea so people have something tangible they can experience right away while also sparking their interest even further until its official release date arrives.

Offer Tiered Pricing

Finally don’t forget about pricing plans when selling your product—make sure each tier offers different levels of service so that customers have options available depending on their budget while still covering all costs associated with running a self-hosted course (e-Books/manuals must also be taken into consideration).

Also, make sure payment plans are available if possible since many students prefer buying courses over installments rather than making one full payment upfront before accessing any part of it yet again subsidizing overall cost per student but at least guaranteeing yourself some form of income regardless if someone does not finish all modules associated with his subscription plan after enrolling it.

There are many other considerations but following these tips will help ensure success when setting up an effective online course that sells like crazy!

Do you want help launching your online course?

Book a Call with my Team at; we can handle all the heavy lifting!

Many Blessings,

Jacob Salem
Shepherd and Solution Seeker
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