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Would you like to know how to grow your following and increase engagement on Instagram?

Written by Jacob Salem

The key to Instagram is simply showing up.

Why do people post on Instagram? A business goal is to increase engagement; this can be executed both on a personal or business account. We are all trying to increase our following as customers will begin to know, like, and trust us.

One key way to create engagement on Instagram is by liking, commenting, and tagging. Unlike Facebook, Instagram makes it more difficult to share the exact post that someone else has posted. Therefore, tagging within comments and on pictures is the main way to increase your following.

In order to expand your market, you need to use Instagram’s algorithm to your benefit. The way that Instagram works is when you like, tag, or comment on different accounts, your next post is more likely to be shown to them on their feed if they’re following you. This grows your engagement and following by simply being active!

A forgotten key to Instagram is your bio! Your bio should include four things:

  1. Explain your title in easy to understand terminology. You should be precise and state exactly what you do within your company.
  2. Name your customer, this can be done by naming who this account is for and how you are different from other competitors within your market.
  3. Remember to add your locations, especially if you are at a physical business. If your business is a restaurant, your location is very important to your success. You can also add a hashtag in your bio and posts of the city where your business resides. If you are an insurance company, it is not as important where your location is, as your service can be performed over the phone or online, but do add a location if you’re licensed in specific states or regions. In either scenario, it is still helpful to add your location to attract local potential customers.  
  4. It is beneficial to give the potential customer something of value. If you are a restaurant, you can disclose a PDF recipe in your bio. Service based businesses might create a promotion that would attract customers to your business. This creates trust between you and the potential customer. This potential customer can then become a devoted customer by creating value through a promotion.  

In short, it is vital to the success of your Instagram account that you have an enticing bio that brings customers in and urges them to follow you.

Additionally, it is very important that you stay active on other accounts by liking, commenting, and tagging. This increases your engagement and, in turn, you will begin to see more activity on your personal Instagram account!
